Fantastic Toddler Packing List for Vacation + Free Download
If you’re planning to travel with a toddler, you NEED this toddler packing list for vacation. Our toddler started her travel life at 6 weeks old and has been on over 35 flights since then. She’s 2.5 years old now. Traveling with a toddler can be difficult, so I fine-tuned my packing list to make sure I never forget an item. I hope this list helps you travel confidently with your toddler!
This list is similar to my baby packing list post, but some of the items included are different. I recommend using whichever post matches your little one’s age. The baby list is for under 1 years old. This toddler packing list is for 1-3 years old.
For just the toddler travel essentials, read this.
I do go through each section of the packing list in depth, but also have a quick bullet point list at the top and a Free Toddler Packing List for Vacation download included at the bottom of the post.
** There are some affiliate links in this post, so I will earn a small amount if you buy anything(at no cost to you). I have only linked to items we have personally used and loved. We tend to travel cheaply, so don’t expect the “best” item in each category… just quality items that work for us. Thanks for supporting my blog :)**
Advice for your Toddler Packing List for Vacation
- Make a reminder list on your phone and include everything you need to pack. Keep the original and then copy it to a new list for each trip. You can modify what you need depending on where you’re going/the weather. Check the things off as you pack them and double check it before you walk out the door.
- Try to bring only what you need. Stuff adds up and the more you bring the harder it will be to juggle it all while chasing around your toddler.
- You can try out BabyQuip to rent some of the big items if you think that will make things easier.
- Yes there are super expensive versions of every item on this list. I don’t think you need the “best” travel item to have a great time traveling with a toddler. We haven’t made any extravagant purchases for travel and use a lot of the items we already use at home.
- Buy secondhand or used if you do want more expensive/better items. Sell them when you’re done.
- Think through where you’re going and what you specifically need for that type of trip. You may need to modify or add items to this toddler packing list.
- Figure out how many suitcases you can bring/what the cost is, and then consolidate your things to fit.
Quick List of What You Need on your Toddler Packing List:
- Tops
- Bottoms
- Pajamas
- Socks
- Underwear
- Jacket and/or Sweatshirts
- Shoes
- Sun Hat
- Sunglasses
- Hair Accessories
- Bathing Suit?
- Rain Gear
- Snow Clothes?
- Swim Diaper?
- Pack n Play
- Pack n Play Sheets
- White Noise Machine
- Monitor?
- Slumber Pod
- Stuffed Animal/Blanket/Lovey
- Baby Wipes
- Soap and Shampoo
- Detergent
- Toothbrush and Toothpaste
- Brush or Comb
- If Still in Diapers: Diapers or Pull-Ups, Diaper Cream, Dirty Diaper Bags
- If Potty-Trained: Travel Potty
- Food
- Utensils and Plate/Bowl
- Travel High Chair?
- Bibs?
- Car Seat
- Car Seat Bag?
- Carrier?
- Stroller?
- Pacifiers?
- Favorite Toys and Books
- Medications
- First Aid Stuff
- Sunscreen
- Birth Certificate or Passport
Quick List of What to Pack in your Diaper Bag:
- Diapers or Pull-Ups (if using)
- Travel Potty (if using)
- Wipes
- Extra Outfit
- Pouches and Snacks
- Water Cup
- Little Toys to entertain them – Coloring books, tablet (download toddler-friendly movies/activities beforehand), stickers, play doh, a drawing pad, etc.
- Toddler Headphones.
- Hand Sanitizer and a little pack of sanitizing wipes to wipe down your plane area.
- Pacifiers
- Blanket
- Ziplocs
Clothing – Toddler Packing List
I usually pack 1 outfit per day + a few extra. If I’m going on a 5 day trip, I’ll pack 2-3 extra outfits. If you have access to laundry during your trip, pack less! And if you know your toddler loves to play in the mud, pack extra pants 🙂 Don’t pack unnecessary outfits; I know toddler clothing is relatively small, but it adds up. A lot of what you pack in this section will depend on the weather where you’re going.
Tops: Long sleeve, short sleeve, tank tops.
Bottoms: Shorts and/or pants.
Pajamas: Toddlers can wear pajamas more than one night in a row, so only pack what is necessary.
Socks: These are small, so you can bring a lot of extra. Bring wool ones if you’re going somewhere cold.
Underwear: If you’re kiddo is no longer in diapers.
Jacket and/or Sweatshirts: Jacket, hooded sweatshirt, etc.
Shoes: You don’t need a lot of pairs. Bring their favorite tennis shoes, beach shoes if needed, and boots if it’ll be cold/rainy.
Sun Hat: We have bought so many of these sun hats as our kiddo has grown. They’re the only ones she’ll wear, so we’ve stuck with them. The brim is super wide, and they’re comfy.
Hair Accessories
Bathing Suit: Bring 2 if you’ll be swimming a lot.
Rain Gear: This rain suit is AMAZING. We always get compliments when Jovie wears it, it keeps her SO dry (we tested it with Iceland waterfalls too!), and it’s big – they can wear it for a while, and you can fit warm layers underneath.
Snow Clothes: Warm hats/beanies, snow suit, etc.
Swim Diaper: If you’re going somewhere with pools, the beach, etc.

Here is our toddler living her absolute best life in Iceland – You NEED this rain suit
Sleep – Toddler Packing List
Pack n Play: They sell different travel cribs, but pack n plays seem to be the most popular. Our little one is 2.5, and we still bring/use a pack n play when we travel. They are big and heavy, so if you can find accommodations that offer portable cribs, avoid having to bring one if possible.
Pack n Play Sheets: I always bring 2, just in case. I also bring sheets even if the accommodations have a portable crib – you never know how clean their sheet/pack n play will be.
White Noise Machine: If you use one at home all the time, bring one with you.
Monitor (optional): Our little one always has trouble sleeping, so it is nice for us to be able to see if she is laying or standing down when she is screaming. Ideally, bring one that doesn’t require wifi if you don’t know how your internet will be when you travel.
Slumber Pod: Honestly, this has been our best travel item for our kiddo. It’s a little expensive but SO worth it. It’s basically a breathable tent that goes over your pack n play. It’s helpful to keep your kiddo’s sleep area dark, and it keeps them from being able to see you in a hotel room if they wake.
Stuffed Animal/Blanket: Whatever they sleep with at home.
Read Next: Why TSA PreCheck is Super Helpful with a Kid or Baby or How to Camp with a 1 Year Old.
Toiletries/Diapering – Toddler Packing List
Baby Wipes: However many packs you think you’ll need. I always pack at least 1 new pack in my carry-on and 1 new pack in my suitcase.
Soap and Shampoo: You don’t know what soap will be supplied at your accommodations, so bring your own.
Detergent: If you plan to do laundry at your accommodations; they don’t always supply this.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
If they’re still in diapers:
Diapers or Pull-ups: If needed. Bring more than you think you’ll need or plan to buy a box when you arrive at your destination. If you’re traveling internationally, it might be more expensive to buy them there.
Dirty Diaper Baggies: Yes, they’re like dog poop bags, but they do come in handy if you have to change a diaper and aren’t near a garbage.
Diaper Cream: They sell travel size Aquaphor.
If they’re potty-trained:
A Travel Potty: This thing is a life-saver. We use it at home too.
Eating – Toddler Packing List
FYI: You are allowed to bring food for your toddler through TSA, but they will likely check your carry-on. One TSA agent told me to always make sure my ice pack was frozen or they might pull it. Plan for extra time to get through security when they check your milk.
Food: Don’t go overboard, but do bring some food for your toddler, especially if they’re a picky eater. We usually bring individual mac n cheese cups, snacks, and brown rice cups. It’s nice to have a super easy meal that you know your toddler will like, especially if you’re going to a foreign country.
Utensils and Plate/Bowl
Travel High Chair: We bought a cheap little seat that has really come in handy for our kiddo.
Bibs: If you use them at home, throw a few in your bag.

Pack n Play + Slumber Pod + Travel High Chair = almost an entire suitcase
Toddler Specific Items
Car Seat: Once our kiddo was out of her infant seat, we bought a travel car seat. It’s more lightweight, and it’s convenient to not have to remove our already installed car seat.
Car Seat Bag: If your toddler is under 2 and traveling as a lap child, you will likely have to check your car seat. We always gate checked our car seat because I read that there’s less of a chance of it getting thrown around. We put the car seat in one of these semi-padded bags.
Carrier: I have used a baby carrier for forever. It is super convenient to carry our little one through the airport and comes in handy while we are traveling as well.
Stroller: If you think you’ll use it enough on your trip, bring one. We’ve never used an actual travel stroller, so I can’t make a good recommendation here. There are plenty of options, though!
Favorite Toys and Books
Miscellaneous – Toddler Packing List
Any medications you might need: You won’t want to make a 2am run for childrens Tylenol in a foreign country. Bring any meds you may need or ones that you use on a regular basis.
First Aid Things: Bandaids, nail clippers, thermometer, saline nose spray, etc – DIY your own toddler first aid kit!
Birth Certificate or Passport: If you’re traveling internationally, you do need a passport for your toddler. Some domestic airlines will ask to see a birth certificate.
Things for your Diaper Bag for the Plane
Diapers or Pull-Ups (if using)
Travel Potty (if using)
Extra Outfit
Pouches and Snacks (All the snacks!! It’s a way to occupy them.)
Water Cup
Toddler Plane Activities – Coloring books, tablet (download toddler-friendly movies/activities beforehand), stickers, play doh, a drawing pad, etc.
Hand Sanitizer and a little pack of sanitizing wipes to wipe down your plane area.
Pacifiers if you’re little one uses one.
Blanket. It gets cold on the plane sometimes!
Ziplocs. These just come in handy.
**Pro Tip: Make sure all your devices are on full charge before flying!**
Download Toddler Packing List for Vacation – Click Link Below
Toddler Packing List for Vacation
I hope this list is super helpful for you! I hope you have an amazing time wherever your toddler travel takes you!
For More on Toddler Travel:
- If you’re looking for an incredible destination with your little one, try Iceland
- 20 Helpful Toddler Travel Tips

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