DIY Travel First Aid Kit for Toddlers

If you are traveling with your toddler, you need a travel first aid kit for toddlers. Sometimes I feel like our toddler is trying to get injured; she gets so many scrapes and has so many falls. You never know what’s going to happen, so it’s best to be prepared. Bring a small first aid kit on all your travels, so you know you have all the necessities.

I recommend keeping all these items in something small/cheap. You can use a ziploc to make it super packable. You could also use a cheap pencil case or a small toiletry bag.

I’m a nurse and a mom to a toddler, and we travel/adventure a lot. These things are what we bring with us on our road trips, travels, and hikes.

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Quick List Travel First Aid Kit for Toddlers

  • Bandaids
  • Gauze and Tape or Coban
  • Antiseptic Wipes
  • Antibiotic Ointment
  • Small Scissors
  • Antihistamine
  • Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer
  • Anti-Itch Cream
  • Any Prescription Drugs or Emergency Meds
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Cold Pack
  • Thermometer
  • Tweezers

For Scrapes and Cuts

Bandaids – Various sizes: These are probably the most important item on this list. Keep bandaids on hand for scrapes and cuts. Bring a handful of sizes so you’re prepared for a tiny finger cut or a larger scrape on their knee.

We love these toddler-friendly bandaids.

Gauze and Tape or Coban: It’s good to have a roll of gauze and some medical tape or coban just in case you have a larger or deeper wound.

Antiseptic WipesTo clean before putting a dressing or bandaid on.

Antibiotic Ointment – Neosporin: Keep a little tube of this in your kit to prevent cuts and scrapes from getting infected.

Small Scissors: To cut gauze. Also, just helpful to have for other random things.


Antihistamine – Benadryl/Diphenhydramine: This can be handy if you have issues with poison ivy, allergens, etc. Make sure you do the correct dose, and verify with your pediatrician if it’s ok to give.

Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer – Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen: Always helpful to have. Buy the kid-friendly kind and make sure you do the right dose.

Anti-Itch Cream / Calamine Lotion: For itchy bug bites, poison ivy, etc.

Any Prescription / Emergency Medications: If your kiddo takes any prescription meds or needs an epi pen or inhaler, make sure you always have these with you.


Hand Sanitizer: We always have hand sanitizer with us, but it’s helpful to keep a small bottle in your kit. You don’t want to have to search for anything if your dealing with an injured toddler, and you want to make sure your hands are clean before bandaging a wound.

Cold Pack: Helpful for bumps and bruises.

Thermometer: You never know when your kiddo might get sick. It’s unfortunate if it happens while you’re traveling, but it’s nice to already have a thermometer to check their temp.

Tweezers: For splinters.

Outside of Your First Aid Kit Items

Bug Spray and/or Citronella Candles: If you’ll be spending time outside, try to prevent bug bites from happening.

Sunscreen: If you’ll be spending any time in the sun.

Travel First Aid Kit for Toddlers

If you don’t feel like buying all your own supplies to DIY your own kit, you could buy this cute travel-friendly toddler one on Amazon. You’d still have to supplement with medications, but it has a lot of the basics.

Travel Tips to Prevent Injury & Illness

  • Always clean areas with sanitizing wipes – plane seats, tray tables, windows, etc.
  • Use hand sanitizer or wash hands frequently and always prior to eating.
  • Apply sunscreen and bug spray to prevent sunburns and bug bites.
  • Stay hydrated!
  • Keep an eye on your toddler, especially if you’re outside near places they could be hurt.
  • Don’t overdo it. Plan for rest times in your travels.

These first aid kit suggestions do not take the place of medical advice. Please contact your pediatrician if you have any questions and definitely contact them if you question anything that happens to your little one – injury or illness-wise. Be safe 🙂

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